

While we love our immigrant parents, they are not perfect. Often they pass on unhealthy communication patterns to us, such as: gaslighting, disrespect, passive-aggressiveness, deflecting, aggression, physical/verbal violence, and many more. This often comes from their own lived experiences where likely they also received unhealthy communication as a child and never learned otherwise. However, you are capable of breaing this cycle to better communicate your needs to others.


Relationships are a daily part of every day life. Often our relationships with our parents shape how we view our current relationships and the relaionships we are drawn to. If you had a unhealthy relationship with your parents, you may find yourself often drawn to unhealthy romantic relationships as well. This is typically because we find some type of comfort in these maladaptive relationships and the cycle continues. However, the cycle can be stopped. Let’s address what type of relationships you want and work towards it together.


Depression looks different for everyone. Whether you are struggling with getting out of bed, sad mood, or finding enjoyment in things you use to love, we can utilize coping mechanisms and evidence based interventions to get you to where you want to be!


Are you constantly worrying, overthinking, or feeling nervous? Do you worry about what you could have done better? Do you worry about what the future would look like? Anxiety is our brain’s protective mechanism that services to alert us of potential danger. However, anxiety becomes an issue when it interferes with our life and keeps us from completing our needed tasks. I’d love to work with you to get you to a point where you can do everything you need to do, without excessive fear and worry!

Cultural Barriers/Issues

California is a melting pot of different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. While this isn’t inherently bad, sometimes it does become hard to connect with others who don’t share your culture or background. Whether you are having difficulties connecting with family members, relationship, and professionals, due to your differing cultural backgrounds, you are not alone. In fact, these issues are extremely common. I will help you navigate these issues and provide a safe space to process them.

Body Positivity

Beauty standards are different in every society. It can be hard to keep up and feel beautiful. In many Asian countries, beauty standards are not only unrealistic, but unhealthy. Body positivity is not easy to navigate but I will work with you so. you can feel comfortable in your own skin, because everyone deserves to feel comfortable.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.